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This is a fundraising tournament for the Stanhope Elmore High School Soccer Program. Teams interested in participating should sign up by 5 pm on Friday November 3rd, 2023. Once signed up, a registration fee of $200 per team (max 8 players per team) will be due the morning of the event before the subject team participates in the tournament. Cash and checks only accepted for team registration fee. Teams will be guaranteed two games minimum. Tournament format dependent on total number of registered teams. Tournament is open to all ages interested in playing and will be one open division. Team members will be required to sign a waiver prior to being allowed to play. Waivers will be a available at the registration desk the morning of the event.

Tournament is a one day event with matches beginning at 8am on Saturday November 11, 2023, at the 17 Springs Futsal/ Pickleball complex. Teams will play 2- 20 minute halves. All other normal futsal rules will govern play. Any discrepancies in rules will be determined by the event organizers, SEHS Soccer.

Questions related to the event may be sent by email to Richie Beyer at richiebeyer@outlook.com.

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